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You are Awesome

As part of the transition to Lode Heath School we have purchased two books for every student. These books sit alongside some homework for the summer.

The two books


1. You are awesome by Matthew Syed 


                                                   The first children's book from Times journalist, two-time Olympian and best-selling author                                                                     of Bounce, Black Box Thinking and The Greatest, Matthew Syed, it uses examples of                                                                               successful people from Mozart to Serena Williams to demonstrate that success really is                                                                           earned rather than given, and that talent can be acquired. 


                                                  With hard work and determination, practice, and self-belief, and, most importantly, a Growth                                                                Mindset, there is no reason why anyone can't achieve anything. It is practical, insightful, and                                                                  positive, this is the book to help you build resilience, embrace your mistakes, and grow into                                                                  successful, happy adults. 





2. Go Big by Matthew Burton 


                                                   From the beloved head teacher who featured in Educating Yorkshire, Go Big is a                                                                                     wise and witty guide to the awkward transition from primary to secondary school                                                                                    and what you can expect from this next stage in your education. Full of tips and                                                                                      advice on everything from exams to peer pressure, Burton’s brilliant book is an                                                                                        absolute essential! 







To help support students with their transition we would like students to read both books and complete a workbook supported by the sessions below. If students are attending summer school, they will receive the books and workbook on their first day. If students are not attending summer school, we shall send to their primary school or post them home. All books and work book will need to be returned in September.

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