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  • Policies | Lode Heath School

    School Policies and Provision All polices are available in PDF format for download. If you require paper copies please contact the school office via email: Administration of Medicine and First Aid Policy Accessibility Policy Anti-Bullying Policy Attendance Policy AMAT Risk Register Behaviour Policy Charging and Remissions Policy Child Protection Policy Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy Complaints Policy Confidentiality Policy Equality Information & Objectives Policy Exclusion & Suspension Policy Inclusion Policy Remote Education Provision Relationships and Sex Education Policy Risk Assessment Online Safety Policy Safeguarding Policy SEND Policy SEND Information Report Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Policy Supervision Policy AMAT Parental Charter Home School Agreement 2024-20 25 PLEASE SEE HERE FOR AMAT POLICIES.

  • Careers | Lode Heath School

    Careers Students at Lode Heath School can be assured of receiving a wide range of experiences, support and guidance to help them make decisions about their future. This starts in Year 7, and supports students through to leaving us in Year 11. ​ Lode Heath School co-created the design of the Life Ready Programme (Solihull) which provides a framework designed to develop independent, life ready young adults. The programme is based on evidence from the Gatsby Foundation , Career Development Institute, the DfE Careers Strategy and the Confederation of British Industry. ​ The shared vision of the Life Ready Solihull Programme is that ‘students leaving Lode Heath will have the skills, knowledge and dynamism to reach their full career potential, to meet the needs of employers and to contribute to the economic growth of the borough and GBS LEP ’. Therefore we are always looking to engage with local businesses to improve the support we can offer our students and staff in the delivery of the curriculum and wider opportunities, please do make contact with our careers leader if you can offer your assistance. ​ The careers leader for Lode Heath School is Mr Gareth Davies ( ) or 0121 272 3850. The school's CEC Enterprise Advisor is Mr Andrew Cole, who is employed as the Revenue Development Director for the NEC Group. Mr Cole is also a Director of the Arden Multi Academy trust providing governance and oversight of careers and work related learning activity. ​ For more support or guidance please also refer to the following links with our preferred partner - Barclays Life Skills. ​ Our careers programme is outlined in our Student CPD Programme. ​ Our impact and planning is reviewed against the Gatsby Benchmarks in accordance with the CEC’s Compass tool. The latest report can be viewed here ​ Next Review: March 2025 Students Parents & Carers Teachers Sign up for Businesses Provider Access (Baker Clause) For general advice on Post 16 options (life after Lode Heath)

  • Lode Heath School | Arden Multi-Academy Trust | Solihull

    Bienvenue à Lode Heath School Lode Heath School fournira un environnement sûr, heureux et attentionné dans lequel votre enfant s'épanouira. Lode Heath propose un programme large et inclusif et vise les plus hauts standards d’excellence académique. Il s'agit d'une communauté bienveillante où chacun est valorisé en tant qu'individu et nous attendons des étudiants qu'ils traitent les autres comme ils souhaiteraient être traités. Lode Heath a les attentes les plus élevées en matière de comportement et d’attitude positive. Tous les élèves sont encouragés à participer à la vaste gamme d'activités parascolaires et à participer pleinement à la vie de l'école. Faites quelque chose, soyez impliqué. Nous sommes fiers de beaucoup de choses, y compris des récompenses individuelles, d'équipe et scolaires, mais nous continuons à nous fixer des objectifs de plus en plus ambitieux pour l'avenir. Headteacher's Message Welcome to Lode Heath School, part of the Arden Multi Academy Trust – a caring and nurturing learning community with tolerance, respect and citizenship at its core. Our culture is underpinned by a strong sense of responsibility – for our choices, for our actions and for the way we treat those around us. We support each other, we value each other as individuals and we have the highest expectations of each other. Our aim is to educate the whole person: to help every student, irrespective of their background or abilities, to build the skills, confidence and independence they need to thrive in higher education or the workplace. Within this supportive community, we encourage students to stretch themselves, explore what they can achieve and develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime. Ms L Suddon Headteacher Useful Links Arden Alliance Arden Multi Academy Trust It started with our belief in high quality and dynamic education for everyone, right in the heart of our community. That desire has grown into the Arden Multi-Academy Trust (AMAT). Read More > Your journey to teaching starts here... Arden Alliance Arden Alliance Read More > School Magazine

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Lode Heath School,
Lode Lane, Solihull,

B91 2HW

Tel: 0121 704 1421

© Lode Heath School 2019

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