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Music                         Curriculum Video


The Key Stage 3 Curriculum has been structured to give all pupils the chance to develop musicianship skills, so that any pupil with a passion for the subject can achieve a Music qualification by the end of Year 11. They will enhance their composition, performance and listening skills.


Why choose OCR GCSE (9-1) Music?

Our GCSE (9-1) Music qualification provides a contemporary, accessible and creative education in music with an integrated approach to the three main elements – performing, composing and appraising.  It is a course that is particularly suited to you if you wish to take greater control over the subject that you are studying, as you can choose the style of music to perform and compose on your own instrument.

It is expected that students taking this course will take part in school assemblies and concerts as an aid to developing their performing skills.

Inspires creativity – you are encouraged to broaden your musical horizons and understanding with areas of study that motivate and challenge.


Offers choices– the range of topics will allow for practical and musical teaching and is designed to cater for a wide range of interests, instruments, personalities and directions.


Combines the traditional and modern – there are exciting opportunities you to study diverse and traditional fields, as well as develop interest in all aspects of your musical heritage.


Encourages you to experiment – there’s plenty of opportunity to work on your own performing, composing and listening.

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