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Citizenship                 Curriculum Video


GCSE in Citizenship Studies introduces students to key citizenship issues and helps you develop a practical understanding of what it means to be a citizen today. You will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to think critically and play a positive role in public life.

You will be required to study a variety of issues that together creates a qualification that is both broad and coherent and will cover the following issues:


  • Democracy and government

  • Democracy, elections and voting in the UK

  • National, local, regional and devolved government

  • British Constitution

  • The role of the media and free press

  • Politics beyond the UK

  • Citizenship participation in democracy and society

  • Citizen participation in democracy and society

  • Rights, the law and the legal system in England and Wales

  • Rights and responsibilities

  • The law

  • The legal system (England and Wales)

  • The UK and its relations with the wider world

  • The UK and its relations with the wider world

  • Identities and diversity in UK society

  • The economy, finance and money

  • The economy, finance and money


Lode Heath School,
Lode Lane, Solihull,

B91 2HW

Tel: 0121 704 1421

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